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Why is a drone called a drone?


The term "drone" has been around for over a century, and originally referred to male bees whose sole purpose was to mate with queens and then die. In the early 20th century, the term "drone" was also adopted by the military to refer to unmanned aerial vehicles used for target practice. These early drones were essentially remotely controlled aerial targets and did not have the sophisticated autonomous capabilities of today's drones.

It wasn't until the 2000s that the use of drones began to explode, fueled by advances in technology that made it possible to create smaller and more affordable devices. Along with this growth came a new understanding of what the term "drone" could mean. Today, the term can refer to any unmanned aerial vehicle, from tiny toy drones to massive military aircraft.

One reason why the term "drone" has stuck around for so long is that it is both catchy and easy to remember. Additionally, the word "drone" has certain connotations that fit well with the technology. Drones are often seen as being autonomous and efficient, much like the workers in a beehive.

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